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    Schotten Totten

    CHF 18.50
    You’ll need skill, cunning, and a bit of luck to defeat your opponent in this refreshed version of the classic game, Schotten-Totten from famed designer Reiner Knizia!Achtung die Anleitung ist englisch!!!!
    Artikelnummer: 210686
    GTIN: 3760175513039
    Verfügbarkeit: Nicht an Lager - Wiederbeschaffungszeit 13-20 Tage.

    A warm spring breeze flows through the valley as the birds begin to sing and the snow slowly melts away. Your precious village is slowly uncovered and the stone lines that define your property become visible. The earth is soft and the stones could easily roll just a bit into your neighbor’s farm granting you the extra room your clan needs. No one will notice, right? Suddenly an arrow whizzes past your ear! It seems that your neighbor had the same idea and is now pushing stones to enlarge his property. Use your cards to create the best battle formations and defend your village. Claim enough stones to win the game!

    Anzahl Spieler2
    Alterab 8 Jahren
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    A warm spring breeze flows through the valley as the birds begin to sing and the snow slowly melts away. Your precious village is slowly uncovered and the stone lines that define your property become visible. The earth is soft and the stones could easily roll just a bit into your neighbor’s farm granting you the extra room your clan needs. No one will notice, right? Suddenly an arrow whizzes past your ear! It seems that your neighbor had the same idea and is now pushing stones to enlarge his property. Use your cards to create the best battle formations and defend your village. Claim enough stones to win the game!

    Anzahl Spieler2
    Alterab 8 Jahren
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