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    Hersteller: snowboardgames


    CHF 32.50
    Hike! is a card-drafting racing game with huskies. Hike! is a light and fast game in which players take on the role of mushers (dog drivers) competing in a dog sledding race. First, they assemble their husky sleds and prepare the equipment they will need for the race. Deutsche Regeln werden per PDF gesendet.
    Artikelnummer: SBG001
    GTIN: 3830081400003
    Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

    They hand-pick the huskies for their abilities and pay special attention to where in the sled they place them to form a strong and harmonized team. And then, the race is on! Who will have the winning tactics and whose team will perform best in the treacherous terrain? The first one across the finish line is the winner!

    What’s in the box

    • 48 experienced husky cards
    • 8 youngster husky cards
    • 20 landscape cards
    • 12 equipment cards
    • 24 care cards (12 single + 12 double)
    • 12 mentor cards
    • 6 sled cards
    • 6 wooden player pawns
    • 48 wooden cubes
    • 4 Huky on the Loose mini Expansion cards
    • English rulebook

    Deutsche Regeln werden per PDF gesendet.

    Alterab 9 Jahren
    Anzahl Spieler2 - 6
    Dauer20-45 Min
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    They hand-pick the huskies for their abilities and pay special attention to where in the sled they place them to form a strong and harmonized team. And then, the race is on! Who will have the winning tactics and whose team will perform best in the treacherous terrain? The first one across the finish line is the winner!

    What’s in the box

    • 48 experienced husky cards
    • 8 youngster husky cards
    • 20 landscape cards
    • 12 equipment cards
    • 24 care cards (12 single + 12 double)
    • 12 mentor cards
    • 6 sled cards
    • 6 wooden player pawns
    • 48 wooden cubes
    • 4 Huky on the Loose mini Expansion cards
    • English rulebook

    Deutsche Regeln werden per PDF gesendet.

    Alterab 9 Jahren
    Anzahl Spieler2 - 6
    Dauer20-45 Min
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